Sunday, June 13, 2010

Post-grad update 1

Interesting how every summer I seem to go through the same thing.
-Perhaps it's weather related (these stupid Minnesota summers are always so hot and cold, literally)
-Perhaps it's having a self-created schedule, meaning I'm as busy or free, as organized or disorganized as I want (or don't want, but have a habit of) to be
-And my personal favorite: what happens when I'm free to do whatever I want and I'm faced with myself? Can I handle what is there? What about what isn't there? Things I never saw much of in myself - laziness, apathy, no direction - are all coming up, like monsters hiding under my bed.

Where to even begin?

How about getting a job?

That may take time, but in the meantime I donated to the Ashley Ames fund. That's doing something. It's not getting organized. It's not giving me direction. But it is helping someone who has clear direction and needs - healing.

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